80s Was The Greatest


Amazing time !

To Be Right or To Just Write

Writing has never been easy for me. Go figure. Even as a radio/television journalist, the thought of it not meeting expectations kept me in fear. Close friends of mine are published freelancers, professional bloggers and then some. So who was I to think that I could write at their level? The person who finally said the only person stopping you is you.

Wait something is missing right now. Music. Untangles headphones, press play on my soundcloud to a Stevie Wonder mix. Ok, Im back. Its just something about music that helps me focus. Have you ever needed that special song to put you in the mood? This has helped me blog here and there so now I will use it to share my world with you.

There will be days I might rant, inform or be plain silly. One way or another my hope is to share something with you that you did not know already. Too often, knowledge from within stays within. If the world does not know what only you know, then it can not change the life of others. The gift in telling others your wisdom is simply experiencing the feeling of doing a “good deed.”

Today the Mayor of Chesapeake, VA dropped some of the most profound things in the middle of a Barnes & Noble. It will take me a whole post to tell you everything he said. Hopefully, we can convince him to do a google hangout with his new iPad. The most memorable quote I took away from our conversation was “Love God and the external will take care of itself.” On that note, my heart has made a huge shift. This post is proof of it.


Lakers in Short Sleeves

Lakers in Short Sleeves

Photo: LA Times

PSA Reenacts Trayvon Martin Shooting

PSA Reenacts Trayvon Martin Shooting

Reported by TheDailyBeast.com

Photo: AP

Want to speak at TED2014? Apply to speak at TED@NYC this fall

Excited !